In turn of the century cemeteries, the markers were all very similar. There was no differentiation between people. A marker contained a name and two dates.
A few generations later, markers began to show size and material choices, and ornamentation increased. For the most part, they still consisted of basic information and possibly an epitaph. This engraved statement was a simple way of expressing something about the person or people who rest there. While most were serious, some were humorous. Some were determined by the family, and others were words selected by the loved one. This was about as much information as was allowed, so it was highly important to choose those words wisely.
Today, a marker may be as unique as the person you love. There are so many new advances to be aware of and here are the most important ones.
MATERIAL APPEARANCES: Not only are new finishing techniques allowing different appearances on the material, such as a matte, polished, tumbled, or rustic look, but it is now possible to do a few other things. Select the basic material and finish, then read on to see what else you might like to add.
LASER-ETCHED PRINTS: If there is a photo which really speaks to you about who your loved one was, and how they lived, you can put that photo on the marker. This can be done as a colorless etch using the marker color, or can be a black and white or color version. Whether this is a portrait of your loved one, or of something or someone which mattered immensely to them, this is your chance to leave more than a name on the marker.
QR CODES: It is now possible to leave a permanent trail showing the life of your loved one. You can link it to voice recordings, such as a last message or a song. You might want to leave a photo gallery or a written story. A QR code is a scannable link which takes the person who scans it to a website. This website is the central platform of everything that you want shared, which people will peruse for many years to come. This technology is an exciting innovation. In the past, when loved ones passed, it was up to the family to keep the memories alive. In a matter of only a few generations, there was little to be known. By setting up a QR code, you can collect and share memories as people gather to celebrate their life. Photos often show up that nobody has seen in years, so this is a great time to post this complete gallery for others to see. (While you are doing this, load several flash drives for close family members as a tribute gift.)
If you would like more information on any of these possibilities, give Forest Lawn Funeral Home a call today. We love these new ideas and the many ways that they allow your loved one to live on forever.
Forest Lawn Funeral Home serves the Mobile, Alabama area with funeral and cremation services, grief support, pre-planning, and more. Visit us online at! Call us anytime at (251) 675-0824 or connect with Forest Lawn Funeral Home on Facebook and Twitter!
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Grave Markers: How to Pick the Perfect Marker for Your Loved One

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